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Making At Home Fitness Rad Since Way Before Rona

Let’s focus on silver linings. Corona is crushing our old "normal." But what does your new normal look like - and how much better has it been, honestly?

A lot of us are recognizing how nice it is to have a barbell and bumpers at home - or even just a set of dumbbells.

How convenient it is to not drive anywhere to fitness. How great it can be to pull up your phone, see the days programming YOU have picked, and in 30-60 minutes, get a killer workout in — without needing to worry about commuting, traffic, class times, sharing equipment, coaches you don’t like, athletes that annoy you, or being forced to do movements that don’t feel good because that’s what on the whiteboard for the day. Not to mention, racing a clock when you’re already super stressed out, or feeling pressure to crush a PR because everyone else is that day. Group fitness can be fun - until it isn’t.

We’re here to help you fill in that gap, even when things “go back to normal.” Maybe you’ll choose to workout at home a few days a week. Maybe you’ll decide a busy gym isn’t your scene all the time. Or that with your busy schedule, working out at home means you get to spend more time with your kids and spouse.

Or maybe you’re recognizing that your body feels a million times better than it did before all of this. How has less time in the gym HELPED you? How has not crushing heavy metcon’s every day left you feeling? Maybe not like a Mac truck has run you over? Maybe you should pay attention to that.

We’ve been in the at-home, garage-gym scene since way before ‘Rona came around, showing people what training like an athlete, without wrecking yourself, can look like.

Physique focused, constantly varied, functional fitness that you don’t need a ton of fancy equipment to complete.

But don’t take our word for it, join over 200+ members living that feel-good, look-good life. Where back squats and bicep curls co-exist. Where we chase the pump, not the Leaderboard.

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